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            樓主 發(fā)表于:2019-02-09 21:45:35



                 龍脊梯田風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)面積70.1平方公里,平安壯族梯田觀景區(qū)屬其中之一,位于平安村。平安村目前有190戶人家, 700多人口,以廖姓為主,壯族。平安壯族梯田最高海撥880米,最低海撥380米。這里有兩個(gè)觀景點(diǎn)!熬琵埼寤⒂^景點(diǎn)”,“九龍”是指順著梯田的走向可以看到九條山嶺的脊梁,像是九條長龍從天空中俯下身到金江河飲水,在他旁邊,有五個(gè)小山包像五只老虎一樣蹲在地上,守護(hù)著這一方水土。梯田如鏈似帶,從山腳一直盤繞到山頂,小山如螺,大山似塔。在這浩瀚如海的梯田世界里,共有大小各異的梯田15,862塊,最大的梯田只有0.62畝,最小的梯田只能插3株禾苗,有“青蛙一跳三塊田”和“一床蓑衣蓋過田”的說法!捌咝前樵掠^景點(diǎn)”, “七星”指當(dāng)初開田時(shí)留下來的七個(gè)小山包像七顆閃爍的星星,陪伴著山頂那塊銀光閃亮的水田,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)望去像七顆星星陪伴著一輪明月,組成一幅美麗的畫卷。     

                 Introduction to Ping'an Zhuang Terraced Fields Spot

            Longji Terraced Fields Scenic Area has an area of 70.1 square kilometers. Being part of it, Ping'an Zhuang Terraced Fields Spot is located in Ping’an Village. There are 190 families with a population of more than 700 people. All the residents are Zhuang minority, with the same family name of Liao. The altitude here is from 380 meters to 880 meters above sea level. Here are two view points:“Nine Dragons and Five Tigers”, which means the nine dragon-like tendency mountains stretch from the top down to Jinjiang River (the Golden River), tasting the nice water. On the opposite, the five hill sides look like five tigers, squatting there as a guardian of the land. The terraces were cultivated in lines, some of which are like chains, while the others are like belts, forming a shape of snails or towers. In the ocean of terraces, there are 15, 862 pieces of fields, which are all in different shapes and sizes. The biggest one is only 0.62 square meters, while the smallest one can only be inserted with three grain seedlings. And there are some sayings, such as: A jump of the frog makes three fields; the fields are as large as a rain cape. “Seven Stars with the Moon”, which means the seven round hill sides shinning like stars. Accompany with the water field, they form an amazing picture.


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